Monday, March 24, 2008

A Walt Disney World Adventure - Prologue

Yes, that's right, you can be a 24-year-old Disneyland fanatic and never make it to Disney World. Mainly because your parents always use the argument: "Why travel across the country when you've got the original 15 minutes away." And so, the years passed and we never went.

But finally, thanks to Dad's "legal troubles" (and inability to leave the state) and some unused Southwest vouchers that were set to expire, Mom and I found ourselves on our way to WDW. Now obviously, I'm a bit of a Disney junkie - but the first step is admitting you have a problem, right? - so there were spreadsheets comparing attractions available in California and Florida so I didn't miss anything key that we didn't have here in the Golden State, hours of website research on which restaurants were best and how to get reservations, but this was a pretty great trip if I do say so myself. As you can see, I've summarized it into tidy comic book format with random observations from my stay.

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