Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Belated Realization

Well, your faithful skipper was palling around on the Window to the Magic Forums(1) when she caught a reference to the previous incarnation of the onboard Space Mountain music. Y'know, the Dick Dale track that ran from 1999 to 2005, when it was replaced by the score by Michael Giacchino. Well, this particular poster referred to the Space Mountain track as "The Aquarium," as in possibly the most famous portion of Camille Saint-Saens' "Carnival of the Animals."

And since I have a copy of the Space Mountain music on my computer, I just had to listen . . . and the poster was right! I had never noticed it before, but the track for the roller-coaster is a souped-up, surf-guitar version of that piece of classical music. I'd just never noticed because of the immense difference in speed and tone. But listen for yourself:

Space Mountain's version:

And the original theme:

Bizarre, eh?

(1) What? You don't think we have technology in the Jungle? That's what we keep the Robinson Family around for - water-wheel powered computers, while a dangerous arrangement, are perfectly adapted for jungle living. Now that hippo-on-treadmill-powered blender . . . well, we just won't talk about that.